Lake Champlain - Lake George Regional Planning Board
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SWOT Analysis


A Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) Analysis considers the internal factors strengths and weaknesses) and external factors (opportunities and threats) that influence economic development in the LCLG Region.

To gather stakeholder input, responses were solicited from communities and stakeholder organizations between September and October 2021, for the SWOT Analysis and Project Solicitation. A total of 98 responses were received from academia, business, and government.

Additionally, over 180 priority projects and programs were submitted by local and regional stakeholders for consideration in the CEDS. Respondents were asked to submit projects and programs under 12 categories:

   1. Business Assistance
   2. Workforce Development
   3. Downtown/Hamlet Revitalization
   4. Drinking Water
   5. Wastewater
   6. Broadband & Telecommunications
   7. Housing
   8. Diversity & Equity
   9. Environmental Sustainability
   10. Transportation
   11. Child Care & Elder Care
   12. Other

> Clinton County
> Essex County
> Hamilton County
> Warren County
> Washington County